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The ideology of Nazism as it is currently perceived was developed by the Nazi Party in the post World War I era. It was a nationalistic response to communism and marxism, and sought to unite the German nation with one leader, ridding it of the so-called inferior races and create one single cultural identity.

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Q: Who developed the ideology of Nazism?
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Explain the ideological theory of Nazism?

The ideology of National Socialism was based on the superiority of the Aryan race and German nationalism. It was intended to unify all Germans, regardless of class, for the benefit of the government.

What is the importance of Nazism?

nazism is defined as a form of socalism featuring racialism & expansionism & obedience to a strong leader.

What are the characteristics of nazism?

Characteristics of Nazism include totalitarianism, anti-communism, patriotism, statism, and collectivism. Nazism is based on ethnic, racial, cultural, and religious attributes.

Nazism was an extreme form of?


What is Nazism?

Actually, Nazi is just an acronym for the National Socialist Party, as it is in German: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei. The term had no negative connotations in Germany, or indeed in the rest of the world, until the time of the Second World War. Nazism is the name given to the political ideology and subsequent regime of Adolf Hitler, which ruled in Germany from 1933 to 1945. Although Nazism is often called "fascism", it does differ from generic fascism, as the term is used today, and also from Fascism, which is the name given to Mussolini's regime in Italy around the same time. Nazism's main points of emphasis were the racial superiority of the "Aryan" people, the annihilation of the Jews, seen as racially inferior, the aggressive foreign policy, especially in relation to East European countries, seen as genetically inferior and the importance of the "Fuehrer" (i.e. Hitler) as the head of state.

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Why people hate nazism?

Because nazism is complete and total control and people like to have some freedom.

How would the boycott of Jewish businesses help the nazi?

All for Nazism reasons. Nazism was the ideology and practice which involved biological racism and anti-Semitism. Raciam ideology was a very important component of Nazism which stressed the belief in the supremacy of an Aryan master race. The Nazis claimed that the German nation represents the most racially pure Aryan people and deemed the greatest threat to their race and the German nation as the Jewish race.

Why did so much of the British aristocracy support Nazism despite it being an anti-monarchic ideology?

They saw it as a bulwark against Communism.

What is the reason for forming nazism and fascism?

Facists seeked to organize a nation on corporatist perspectives, values, and systems such as the political system and the economy. Nazism was the ideology and practice which involved biological racism and anti-Semitism. Raciam ideology is a very important component of Nazism which stresses the belief in the supremacy of an Aryan master race. The Nazis claimed that the German nation represents the most racially pure Aryan people and deemed the greatest threat to their race and the German nation as the Jewish race.

What did the ideologies of Nazism and Communism have in common?

Communist ideology and Nazism shared a common goal but for different reasons. For Nazism, the world view was to create and establish the Nazi Party and Germany as the dominant force in the world. There were no illusions of inclusion unless it was beneficial to the Nazi's world goals.One the other hand, taken at its face value, communist ideology was to create a socialist world enforced by power. And, to make this better received, the idea of no governments and no classes appealed to whom they considered to be the masses.

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How did the political ideology of Nazism lead to World War 2?

The political ideology of Nazism led to World War II for fundamentally one reason: the Nazis were committed to world-dominance, if only one step at a time. As outlined by Hitler in his writings and speeches, the German people deserved not only to enjoy prominence in their own region; they deserved (and basically needed) to achieve dominance throughout the world.

Who developed the theory of Darwinism?

Herbert Spencer. This is not so much a theory as a ideology.

Explain the ideological theory of Nazism?

The ideology of National Socialism was based on the superiority of the Aryan race and German nationalism. It was intended to unify all Germans, regardless of class, for the benefit of the government.

What are the mussoolini's ideology?

Mussolini* Mussolini founded Italian Fascism. It is a form of authoritarian government system. He believed in ethnic dominance, contempt for democracy, and strict obedience to the leader. It was very much similar to Nazism or Communism.

What is the difference between Neo-Nazism and right-wing extremism?

Neo-Nazism refers to any movement that is rooted in the ideology of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. Despite the outcome of World War II, neo-Nazis seek to recreate the old Nazi Party, or start their own party that happens to closely resemble it.Right-wing extremism refers to any right-wing ideology that is considered "extremist". It's more of an umbrella term, and can include ideologies that are nationalist, reactionary, xenophobic, authoritarian, and/or fascist/Nazi.

How idealogy imerge?

When there is any group of people they have or developed ideas about life and other things because of this a ideology emerges.