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His guard while in prison

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Q: Who gave Herman goering the cyanide?
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What did goering do before he was executed?

Goering was not executed. he commited suicide while in custody using a cyanide pill.

Who was in charge of the German air force during second world war?

Herman GoringHermann Göring commanded the German air force.

What impact did Hermann Goering have on Jews?

Herman Goering gave a direct order to arrest or murder all opponents of the Nazi party. Though he gave many orders to exterminate anyone against the Nazi party, which would include Jews, he did not have a direct connection to the Holocaust.

What religeon was Herman goering?

Herman Goering was raised as a Roman Catholic but later in life he expressed a personal mix of eclectic spiritual beliefs, including neo-paganism and Norse mythology.

Who was the the German general at the head of the luftwaffe in world war 2?

herman goering

Who was the leader of the luftwaffe?

field marshal Herman Goring...........................German WW1 ace.........

Who leaded the German air force during World War 2?

herman goering

What did Herman goering do that might have caused him to be arrested in any other country?

Raped girls

Did hermann goering kill Jews if did how many?

Herman goering was in charge of the the first built concentration camp. I don't really know how many he killed.

Who was Herman goring and what did he have to do with the gestapo?

Hermann Goering is the founder of the Gestapo.

Who led the Luftwaffe during World War 2?

Adolf Hitler ordered Hermann Goering to create the Luftwaffe in 1935.

What Nazi leader killed himself just before he was to be hanged?

That would be Hermann Goering (Or Goring). He took a cyanide pill in his jail cell hours before his hanging.