"Molly Pitcher", who at the Battle of Monmouth is generally believed to have been a woman named Mary Ludwig Hays McCauly. "Molly Pitcher" may have been a general nickname given to any woman who carried water to soldiers during a battle.
There were 7318 Knight's Cross won by German soliders, of these 144 were won by U-Boat members. If you go to google.com and type into the search parameters " winners Iron Cross" you will come up with many hits and more information you can read. Twenty-seven Germans were awarded the Knight's Cross, with swords and "diamonds" on the Silver Oakleaves. One of those twenty-seven went on to receive the highest award of the Knight's Cross, with swords, "diamonds," and Gold Oakleaves. The winners were: Gold Oakleaves and "Diamonds": Erich R�del Stuka Pilot Silver Oakleaves and "Diamonds." Werner M�lders Luftwaffe Adolf Galland Luftwaffe Gordon McGollob Luftwaffe Han-Joachim Marseille Luftwaffe Hermann Graf Luftwaffe Erwin Rommel Army Panzer General Wolfgang L�th Navy U-Boats Walter Nowotny Luftwaffe Adalbert Schulz Army General Hyazinth Graf Strachwitz Panzer General Hermann Balck Army General Bernhard Ramcke Paratroop General Heinz Wolfgang Schnaufer Luftwaffe Albrecht Brandi Navy U-Boat Herbert Gille SS General Hans Hube Army General Albert Kesselring Luftwaffe General (Army)* (see below) Helmut Lent Luftwaffe night fighter Sepp Dietrich SS General Walter Model Army General Erich Hartmann Luftwaffe Ferdinand Sch�rner Army General Hasso von Manteuffel Army General Theodor Tolsdorff Army General Dr. Karl Mauss Army General Dietrich von Saucken Army General ============================== While the requirements to earn the Knight's Cross could change, especially in the Luftwaffe, the following was used at one time: Submarines: Knights Cross for 100,000t sunk. Oakleaves added for 200,000t sunk - - - - - - - - Luftwaffe: 17 Kills = Knight's Cross 40 Kills = with Oakleaves 70 Kills = with Swords 100 Kills = with "Diamonds." John