barbed wire was invented on October 27,1873
People started getting tattoo's around their biceps. Ha ha.
Barbed wire was used to keep the trench enemies away from the soldiers in case they come for attack.
barbed wire
There was not so much barbed wire in the ghettos. They were not like the camps where one would risk death by going to the wire.
The barbed wire was invented by Joseph Glidden. The barbed wire was invented by Joseph Glidden.
barbed wire was invented on October 27,1873
Barbed wire was invented in DeKalb, Illinois on 1869 by Joseph Glidden.
Joseph Glidden invented barbed wire, and obtained the patent in 1874.
The electric fence.
He invented barbed wire.
Over 200 caseses of barbed wire were sold in the first year
Joseph Glidden made barbed wire more effective, he invented a method for locking the barbs in place.
Not really. Check out the Wikipedia link below on the history of how barbed wire was invented, patented and developed.
Joseph F. Gidden was born in New York on Jan. 18, 1812. He invented barbed wire in 1873 and was granted the patent on Nov. 24, 1874. After a three year battle over the patent, which he eventually won, Gidden became known as the "Father of Barbed Wire".
if you mean "barbed wire" the first patent placed on it was placed in 1867.
Barbed wire is a type of steel fencing wire with sharp edges. It was originally invented to restrain cattle. Currently, it is used as a deterrent for trespassing and unwanted intrusion.