Emilio Aguinaldo was the first President of the Philippine Republic. He was also the leader of the country when it was first proclaimed as a republic.
The term first President best describes Emilio Aguinaldo. This man led the Philippines against the Spanish in the Revolution and went onto to become the country's first President.
name of the parents of Emilio aguinaldo
Because Emilio Aguinaldo Have Sick (Tuberculosis)
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Deividas Prokopovic is from Lithuanian. At the moment he lives in the United Kingdom, Gravesend. His nicknames fish and he is f*cki*g g*y I hope the f*gg*t dies.
Aguinaldos y Tradiciones was created in 1998.
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On Dec. 16
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Emilio Palmer is the first person born at Antarctica continent in the year 1978
Emilio Aguinaldo was the first President of the Philippine Republic. He was also the leader of the country when it was first proclaimed as a republic.
Emilio F. Aguinaldo and F means >>>>>> Famy
Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo
Emilio Aguinaldo
Emilio Aguinaldo was the first president of the Philippines. He also fought against the United States in the Philippine-American War of 1899.