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i think you are referring to rosie the riveter she was a propoganda poster that encouraged women to take over mens jobs

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Q: Who is Ruby the Riveter from World War 2?
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What work did women do in World War 2?

See Rosie the Riveter.

Who was the symbol for the female defense workers you world war 2?

Rosy the Riveter

Who was the symbol for the Female Defense worker in World War 2?

rosie the riveter

Why was Rosie the Riveter important during World War 2?

Women who worked in factories.

Who is the lady on World War 2 propaganda poster encouraging women to work in war industries?

Rosie the Riveter

What was the purpose of rosie the riveter posters?

The purpose of Rosie the Riveter is to tell women that we can be strong and we can help out in World War 2

What was the symbolic figure that represented the working women of the US in World War 2?

Rosie the Riveter

Was it true that Rosie the riveter was a soldier in world war 2?

No, Rosie the Riveter was a cultural icon, drawn by an artist rather than being based on a real person.

A character who symbolized women in manufacturing jobs in World War 2?

The female icon who represented woman who worked in factories during world war 2 in order to fill the vacancies left by the men enrolled in the service was Rosie the Riveter. She did not only represented feminism but also women's economic power.

What kinds of work did women do before World War 2?

See Rosie the Riveter/World War II Homefront National Historical Park.

What is the name of the mascot for the Women's work force in America during World War 2?

Rosie The Riveter

What was the culture icon representing the women who worked in factories during world war 2?

Rosie the Riveter