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The Wright Brothers

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Q: Who is the first man to create an airplane?
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Who is the first person create an airplane?

The first person to create an airplane was the Wright brothers. A man named Otto Lilienthal inspired the Wright brothers.

Who is the first person create airplan?

The first person to create an airplane was the Wright brothers. A man named Otto Lilienthal inspired the Wright brothers.

When did the wright brothers create their first airplane?

in africa

How did the wright airplane impact history?

It was the first airplane to fly carrying man.

Who were the first men to fly in the airplane?

Say man

Which of the Wright brothers was the first man to fly an airplane?

Neither of the Wright brothers was the first man to fly an airplane. -Many men had flown, but for shorter distances, before they did.

How much could the first airplane carry?

Two people at most. The first airplane carried its engine and 1 man.

What was the date a man first flew an airplane?

December 1903

Who was the first man to fly an airplane solo in Australia?


What impact did blimps have on society?

it help people get the idea to create the first airplane

What did the wright brothers invent .?

They invented the three axis control so the airplane can keeps it's equilibrium while flying. The very first practical AIRPLANE was invented by Wright brothers. They were inspired by the birds and invented this flying machine which can be used by humans in December,1903.

How was the plane invented?

The White Brothers combined their ethusiasm and smartness to create the first airplane.