There are no patron saints of the navy per se except for a few countries who have chosen a patron for their navies. However, there are a number of patron saints of mariners:Adjutor of Vernon
Andrew the Apostle
Anthony of Padua
Botulph of Ikanhoe
Brendan the Navigator
Brigid of Ireland
Budoc of Brittany
Christina of Bolsena
Clement I
Constabilis of Cava
Eulalia of Barcelona
Francis of Paola
Hardoin of Brittany
Idesbald of Dunes
Isidore of Chios
John Roche
Julian the Hospitaller
Lucy of Syracuse
Michael the Archangel
Nicholas of Myra
Nicholas of Tolentino
Nuestra Senora de Guia
Our Lady, Star of the Sea
Our Lady of Guidance
Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Our Lady of Solitude
Peter Gonzales
Phocas the Gardener
Spyridon of Cyrpus
Torpes of Pisa
Except for the countries of Chile and Bolivia, I can find no patron saint of the navy. However, the following are all patrons of mariners:
Anthony of Padua
Brendan the Navigator
Brigid of Ireland
Christina of Bolsena
Clement I
Eulalia of Barcelona
Francis of Paola
John Roche
Julian the Hospitaller
Michael the Archangel
Nicholas of Myra
Nicholas of Tolentino
Nuestra Senora de Guia
Our Lady, Star of the Sea
Our Lady of Guidance
Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Our Lady of Solitude
Peter Gonzales
Phocas the Gardener
Torpes of Pisa
Not particularly, St. Brendan is the declared patron of boatmen; mariners; sailors; travelers; navigators;whales; the diocese of Clonfert; and the diocese of Kerry. While perhaps not an official patron of the US Navy, he is in everything but name. There are religious medals struck invoking St. Michael as a protector of Navy men as St. Michael is the patron of officers in battle. You can view such a medal via the link below.
Saint Nicholas of Myra is the patron saint of many things but not of Military Intelligence. There is no patron saint of Military Intelligence.
Yes, Saint Micheal the Archangel is the patron of Marines.
There is no patron saint of infantry tankers. There are, however, patron saints of soldiers.
Yes, Saint George is one of the patron saints of soldiers.
There is no particular patron of the Royal Navy.
There is no patron saint of Navy Corpsmen. However, St. Michael the Archangel is the patron saint of Emergency Medical Technicians.
There is no patron saint of Navy Seals. There are patron saints of soldiers, however.Acacius of ByzantiumAdrian of NicomediaFaithGeorgeIgnatius of LoyolaJames the GreaterJoan of ArcLonginus the CenturianLouis IXMartin of ToursMauriceMichael the ArchangelNicholas of MyraSebastianStanislaus of CracowTheodore Stratelates
The Patron Saint Inex lists no patron saints of bears.
A patron saint is supposed to be a protector in the Catholic religion. Patron Saint Angelico is the patron saint of artists. A patron saint is a protector of life.
Not particularly, St. Brendan is the declared patron of boatmen; mariners; sailors; travelers; navigators;whales; the diocese of Clonfert; and the diocese of Kerry. While perhaps not an official patron of the US Navy, he is in everything but name. There are religious medals struck invoking St. Michael as a protector of Navy men as St. Michael is the patron of officers in battle. You can view such a medal via the link below.
As per the Patron Saint Index, there is no patron saint of wrestlers. However, Saint Sebastian is the patron saint of all athletics and athletes.
Saint Lillian is not a patron saint as per the Patron Saint Index.
There is a patron saint of Wales but no patron saint of whales.
There is no patron saint of color.
There is no patron saint of voting.
There is no patron saint of red heads as per the Patron Saint Index.