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The Central Powers ( the German Empire, the Austrian-Hungarian Empire, the Ottoman Empire and the Kingdom of Bulgaria)

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Q: Who lost wwi?
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What events lead to Germany's involvement in ww2?

They lost WWI, so they wanted revenge. They wanted to show their superiority, kill jews and to regain territories that they had lost after WWI (Gdansk, Elsas, Lotaringia, Gdansk, Memmel, Polish corridor, Saar area).

Why did Prussia dissolve?

Prussia dissolved because it lost a lot of land and because before WWI it made up Germany to unite the people and in WWI Germany lost. In WWII Germany lost again and the allied made up their minds and made Prussia dissolve into Germany. by some one who is researching prussia

What governments collapsed as a result of World War 1?

The empires that were lost as a result of WWI were Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire and Germany lost its colonies.

Who lost the war of gallipoli?

Britain,France,Australia,New Zealand and India lost

Did ww1 create a lost generation?

Yes, World War I has been associated with the concept of a "lost generation" due to the widespread destruction, loss of life, and disillusionment experienced by many who fought in or lived through the war. This term reflects the sense of aimlessness, trauma, and questioning of traditional values that characterized the post-war period for many individuals, particularly in Europe.

What were the effects of the World War I?

The effects of the war was WWI had the biggest shocking effect on Germany. This led to WWII.The US lost many soldiers, but their causalities and fatalities were miniscule compared to those of the other countries involved. Germany lost the most people

What country did the US fear for a war against over Samoa?

None. Germany held a portion of it from 1900 to 1914 and lost it to the New Zealanders in WWI.

Why did some women begin to demanding more political and social freedom?

After WWI, they lost the rights, when they got marriage. Under the common law doctrine of coverture husbands gained control of their wives' real estate and wages.

What does WWI stand for?

"WWI" is an abbreviation for "World War I."

Who won wwi?

The allied Powers won WWI

When did wwi begin?

WWI began 28 July 1914.

Who is buried under the arc de triomphe?

An unknown, anonymous soldier of WWI is buried under the Arc. His corpse has been selected at random among eight unidentified French soldiers killed on the major battlefields of WWI. The Tomb is marked by an Eternal Flame as a tribute to all soldiers who lost their lives.