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Q: Who promised to support free election in certain districts of Germany?
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What was Hitler to Germany at the beginning of World War 2?

Hitler first gained meaningful office in 1933 as the chancellor in a coalition government after he lost an election for the presidency to Hindenburg, a popular World War I veteran. In 1934, Hindenburg died and Hitler was the concensus successor. From that point on, he consolidated his power to the point where Germany ceased to be democratic at all and became a dictatorship. So to answer your question, Hitler was officially titled the Fuhrer, which in effect means he was the dictator.

How did the Treaty of Versailles punish Germany for its role in World War 1?

Germany was forced to pay an indemnity to the Allies (mostly France) to offset the costs of the war, this resulted in the German government going bankrupt. In addition Germany was forbidden from having military forces. Also regions of Germany such as the Ruhr valley were occupied by French troops.It forced Germany to pay certain dividends for 'starting the war', made Germany accept blame for the start of WWI, and limited the size of their army, navy, and air arm.

What happened to the Nazis after WW2?

The Nazi party (NSDAP) was banned by the Allies and its property was seized. There is extensive legislation in place in Germany against any attempt to form new Nazi organizations. Ordinary Party members accounted for about 10% of the German population in 1945. Initially, they had to submit to a process called denazification before they could hold certain kinds of jobs, such as teaching. In many places the process was not thorough, and denazification certificates were nicknamed 'Persil coupons'! Some individuals suspected of war crimes were put on trial, but again the process was nothing like the purge that Churchill and Roosevelt had promised during World War 2.

Why didnt they remove Hitler from power?

The Treaty of Versailles greatly weakened the standard of living in Germany. The worldwide depression sank the mentality of the Germans even more. When Hitler came into power he promised to nullify the Treaty of Versailles and have Germany gain her influence. When he did this, Germans looked at him as a national hero. The economy was bustling, nationalistic pride in military, and everyone was fed. This was quite similar to how the Americans treated policy in the Roaring 20s, although they were unsatisfied with certain things, prosperity made them silent. Hitler was also secretive about what was happening in Concentration camps. Germans had no idea that people we being industrially killed with such efficiency. This is a difficult question to answer and involves a variety of factors.

Why was Britain the only country still at war with Germany by June 1940?

Because everyone else had surrendered and the U.S. had not yet been forced to get involved. It wasn't of course. Australia for certain and probably Canada, South Africa, India and other Empire countries were too.

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depends on the state but basically create committees in each state starting at city-town level districts and petition to get on ballot,win certain % of vote and be added each election automatically

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It caused by a change in a states population, which subsequently makes it necessary to redraw their voting districts. Gerrymaking is when the person that redraws the districts changes them to support a certain political party. They do this by putting certain areas in different districts which will help their party win the elections.

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