The railroad industry is the most closely related to the Northern Securities case.
I would say, from a few websites I found, that 11,000 Chinese people worked on the railroad. They worked the hardest and had great skills to work on hard to fix problems they used to fix for the Great Wall of China. -KKBURT
100 people died,
The North had the most factories, farmland, and railroad tracks. There were also more people in the North and the they had a navy.
Sweden and Russia
Both the Great Northern and Northern Pacific. Each had a bridge over the river. Today, the Great northern is the last railroad in Crookston
The Great Northern
Canadian-American James J. Hill was the creator of the Great Northern Railroad. He was a man of high public duty that believed that the railroad needed the land to be prosperous to thrive. The Great Northern Railroad didn't receive any land grants such as the other railroads. Hill did well in his construction of the rail.
Josiah Perham and investers
john d Rockefeller
The Great Northern railroads enabled the railroads to earn money by hauling goods both east and west, instead of lumbar like other railroads
Santa Fe - Great Northern.
Great Northern
Hazlehurst was named after George Hazlehurst, who was an engineer for the Great Northern Railroad.
Sacramento Northern Railroad was created in 1918.
Sacramento Northern Railroad ended in 1925.