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British naval units and private small boat owners...

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Q: Who rescued the men in Dunkirk?
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How was Dunkirk France rescued?

by monkeys

Can you find out the names of people who where were rescued and who died at Dunkirk?

There were about 335,000 British troops, and about 50,000 French troops rescued at Dunkirk. Do you want that in alphabetical order, or by rank and unit? Thousands died in the fighting that ended with the withdrawal at Dunkirk.

How were the soldiers in Dunkirk rescued in operation dynamo?

The British soldiers were rescued by fleets over 800 vessels.

338226 soldiers both English and french?

Rescued from Dunkirk

What beach did british soldiers get rescued from?

The beach was at Dunkirk, France.

What was the French port city on the English Channel where the Allied forces were trapped then rescued?

Dunkirk, June 1940

Where did English troops retreat to when french surrendered?

They were rescued from Dunkirk (France). It was in May-June 1940. It was general Gort who organised the withrawal to the port and beaches of Dunkirk. Ships, boats and warships carried about 330,000 men to Great Britain.

What beach did british soldiers had to be rescued from?

diunkirk Dunkirk in northwest France.

How many troops were rescued?

338,000 troops were rescuedin the battle of dunkirk.

As German forces poured into France the retreating Allies were heroically rescued at?


Was the battle of Dunkirk a success?

yes, more than 300,000 out of the 400,000 soldiers were rescued!

What was the battle when the allied forces were trapped by the Germans in France where miraculously rescued?

That would be Dunkirk.