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King James I of England in his argument for the divine right of kings in the "Works".

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Q: Who said kings are called god's because they sit upon God's throne on earth?
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A homophone for thrown is throne. as in kings' throne

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The heir to the throne was called LE DAUPHIN

Why was marriage important to a king?

Marriage was so important to kings because the kings wanted their family to stay in power and only their sons. Basically they needed an heir to their throne so once they passed on their son would get posession of the throne.

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A time

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Because kings are rich and powerful and most royalty needed to have the throne of a fairly rich country to live well. Also, none of the Stuart kings of England were catholic except for James II who was replaced by William of Orange by the wishes of Parliament. It wasn't the English throne, it was the BRITISH throne.

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Queen Elizabeth I held on to the throne for a long time in part because of her Political Savvy.

How were rulers chosen in Babylon?

Kings inherid the throne.

Can Kings and Queens quit their rule to the throne?

Yes, they can.

What do Egyptian kings do on a throne?

They rule their country. The "throne" is also considered to be their formal desk in a formal office.

What are a kings people called?

We are called the sixth man because there are 5 kings players on the court and the audience is called the sixth man.

How many years has Elizabeth the 2 had the throne?

sixty years because it goes througe every queen and kings get an other one