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Q: Who was evauated?
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What did evacuees do if they were evauated to a farm?

I think they get evauated again.

Who got evauated?

the children and most of the pregant women got evauated because there houses would of been destroyed and then they would have no where to go

Were did children get evauated to?

children got evacuated to the toilet.

How many people were evauated in World War 2?


How were children evauated in World War 2?

They were usually transported by train to rural areas where families had agreed to temporarily house them.

Anita suffers from grandma seizures epilepsey where can she get the Dilantin if needed and what neurologist that evauated her?

Anita needs to see a doctor as soon as possible because only a doctor can order Dilantin or other medication needed for her Grand Mall seizures. She can see a regular doctor and the doctor will tell you what other doctor she needs to see. Grand Mall seizures can be very serious and can lead to falls or injuries so this is something you need to take care of right away.

Your daughter is 15 she is too much for you have you got any rights keeping her away she is violent with you and you just cant take any more abbuse off her but the police is saying its your responsib?

Having some experience with a step daughter that was this way her father and I had taken all we could from her. We called the the court house in our county and ask what we could do with her,the court clerk said we could have her claimed as a "UNCONTROLABLE MINOR"and have a hearing set up with her and us with a judge who would listen to both sides of the story and make a decsion of what to do about the situation. Your daughter will have to be at the meeting or the police will be sent to get her for the meeting she will have no choice. Since your daughter is abusive and threating you make sure you tell the court clerk and the judge that and make sure to tell them you are afraid that something horrible is going to happen,just lay it all out on the table for the judge. My step daughter ended up in a center that came and picked her up each day for their school,she didn't go to regular public school,if she wasn't up and dressed,they took her out of the house dressed the way she was. I know this sounds harsh but the next time she had her clothes on and ready. Or as with a friend of mines son,he was put in a mental heatlh Center and evauated first for a time and then sent to another center for theraphy that lasted well over a year,he is now a different person. Don't let her continue abusing you or anyone else in the family, get that appointment with the juvenile hall judge,he'll make her mind up for her for sure. Hope this helps. a UNCONTROLABLE MINOR could be many things such as breaking your curfew rules,home rules,abusing siblings,parents etc. Not going to school,fighting,stealing,staying out all hours. There is disruption in the household and its not good. Good Luck!