There are a few German warships from world war I that could aspire on the role as "Most famous", my guess would be the battlecruise "Göben" or "Goeben" in English for the gauntlet that she and the light cruiser "Breslau" were running in the Mediterranean Sea in 1914Or it could be the cruiser "Emden", sunk of Christmas Island by the Australian cruiser "Sydney"
the most famous is manfred von rictoren or famous known as the red baron or in garman de rote baron because the red baron shot down 80 enemy aircraft. (hes plane and the most famouse in ww1 was the fokker dr.1 tri plane)
Hi, Well I know that the most famous German pilot, Genaral Adolph Galland that crashed but he didn't died in argentina. Actually he crashed and survived many times. What he did in Argentina was help Juan Peron to build up and train his air force. Galland liked the stay in Argentina ; but returned to Germany in 1955. He kept fying and fighthing and before he died ; he had 104 Victories. He died at the age of 83 in 1996. I hope this helps somehow... Good Luck!
George Patton.
On the side of the Allies there was Canadian Captain Arthur "Roy" Brown who flew Sopwith Camels and is most famous as being the likely pilot to have shot down Germany's Manfred von Richthofen, who was a famous pilot on the German side.
WWI's most famous fighter pilot has to be: Baron Von Richthofen, a German ace also known as the "Red Baron". To the best of my knowledge, was credited with over 80 kills. Didn't survive the war, KIA.
Your ma!
The most famous of all German cars was "Der Silberpfeil"It was a Mercedes racing car that dominated the world for many years. There are numerous German brands that are famous: * Volkwagen * Audi * BMW * Mercedes Benz
Erich LudendorffPaul von Hindenburg
I believe Lance Hawker was his most famous shoot down.
The most well-known German is Adolf Hitler.
Eddie Rickenbacker was the best known pilot in the US in 1920.
One of the most famous German philosophers is Immanuel Kant. He is known for his influence on modern philosophy and his works on ethics, metaphysics, and epistemology.
Some of the most famous German Songs are Juli and Sibermond. Other famous German Songs are Wolfgame Ambros, The Spider Murphy Gang, Rosenstolz and In Extremo.
A few I think that would be famous might be the U.S. Boeing b17, the Japanese zero plane, German panzer tank and the German U boats.