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There were two Generals who were given the title "Supreme Allied Commander" during WWII: In the European Theater of Operations, it was General Dwight D. Eisenhower; in the Pacific Theater of Operations, it was General Douglass MacArthur.

It should be noted, that this was a title only, and wasn't really an operational command. That is, as the Allied war effort was broken up into a number of different Theaters, each theater had a Supreme Commander (though, only MacArthur and Eisenhower were given that title), and acted independent of other "Supreme" Commanders. All commanders reported to the Allied Joint Chiefs of Staff command structure (the combined British Empire and United States command).

So, while Eisenhower was Supreme Commander of the Western European Theater, that did not encompass the North African Theater, nor the naval forces in the Atlantic, nor the strategic bombing forces (i.e. 8th Air Force, and RAF Bomber Command). Similarly, MacArthur was Supreme Commander only of the Southwest Pacific Theater, while Nimitz commanded the Central Pacific Theater.

Honestly, "Supreme Commander" is a misnomer, given the relatively fractured organization of Allied commands.

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Nick Parker

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13y ago

There were two Generals who were given the title "Supreme Allied Commander" during WWII: In the European Theater of Operations, it was General Dwight D. Eisenhower; in the Pacific Theater of Operations, it was General Douglass MacArthur.

It should be noted, that this was a title only, and wasn't really an operational command. That is, as the Allied war effort was broken up into a number of different Theaters, each theater had a Supreme Commander (though, only MacArthur and Eisenhower were given that title), and acted independent of other "Supreme" Commanders. All commanders reported to the Allied Joint Chiefs of Staff command structure (the combined British Empire and United States command).

So, while Eisenhower was Supreme Commander of the Western European Theater, that did not encompass the North African Theater, nor the naval forces in the Atlantic, nor the strategic bombing forces (i.e. 8th Air Force, and RAF Bomber Command). Similarly, MacArthur was Supreme Commander only of the Southwest Pacific Theater, while Nimitz commanded the Central Pacific Theater.

Honestly, "Supreme Commander" is a misnomer, given the relatively fractured organization of Allied commands.

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