The Allies invasion of France to liberate France from Axis control.
They feared the Germans
Operation Overlord
Normandy, France
russia, canada, france
The Kingdom of Norway, and Denmark, Prussia and the Austrian Empire.
allies war of 1812
Choctaw, Cherokees, and the Creek allies
The American Indians
The Hundred Years War (1337-1353) involved two chief belligerents. These were the United Kingdom and France, but also included other allied forces.
In World War 1 Russia and France were allies.
France had NO role
Because the allies were allied with France
The Western Allies should invade France.
No, France was not one of the Allies during WWII. France was occupied by the Nazis until invaded by the Allied armies.
The allies were Spain, France and possibility a few more.
No not at all. France was purchased from France under Jefferson and in 1812 it was still unsettled land.