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Joseph Hooker and Robert Lee.

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Q: Who were the generals involved in the battle at chancellorsville?
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Did generals die in the Battle of Chancellorsville?


Who were the leading generals involved in the battle of Britain?

Generals Goering and Dowding were involved in the Battle of Britain.

Who were the generals in the US Civil War Battle of Chancellorsville?

Hooker commanded the Union forces. Lee commanded the Confederates.

Who were the union generals during the Battle of Chancellorsville?

The Union field army involved was the Army of the Potomac, at that time under the command of Major General Joseph Hooker. Under "related links" below is a link to a Union "Order of Battle" for the Army of the Potomac at Chancellorsville which lists all units in a particular command at a certain moment in time.

Who were the generals of the Battle of Chancellorsville?

Fighting Joe Hooker led the Union Army and Robert E. Lee led the Confederate Army

What happened in the battle Chancellorsville?

The South won in the battle of Chancellorsville.

What happened in the battle of chancellorsville?

The South won in the battle of Chancellorsville.

Did the battle of chancellorsville come before the battle of Federicksburg?

The battle of Chancellorsville was fought after the battle of Fredericksburg.

Who was the general of chancellorsville?

Commanding Generals at Chancellorsville were: Robert E. Lee-Confederate. Joseph Hooker- Union.

How many people were in the battle of Chancellorsville?

There were 134,443 Total men in the Battle of Chancellorsville

When did Battle of Chancellorsville happen?

Battle of Chancellorsville happened on 1863-04-30.

When did the Battle of Chancellorsville occur?

The Battle of Chancellorsville was fought May 1- 4, 1863.