The CIA created an airline known as Air America to support operations of the Cold War.
Two separate things. The cold war was a state of mistrust and intense spying between the US and the USSR, and to a lesser extent, China. no it is not, The cold war was between Russia and America, The civil war is Northern America vs Southern America
Yes, the cold war was America's interest.
cold war between russia and america
America and the Soviet Union
The CIA created an airline known as Air America to support operations of the Cold War.
The CIA created an airline known as Air America to support operations of the Cold War.
There's no cold war.
Some people supported the Vietnam War because they supported America's resolve not let communism spread. The Cold War policy of America was still in effect during this time.
Part of the cold war; should America have participated in the cold war?
America feared the Soviet Union during the Cold War. The Cold War lasted for over 40 years from 1946 to 1991.
During the cold war the US would support "almost" anyone that resisted communism.
The only one I know is that they both fought America, well America was in the cold war and America fought Iraq.
Those that didn't have to fight it.
Two separate things. The cold war was a state of mistrust and intense spying between the US and the USSR, and to a lesser extent, China. no it is not, The cold war was between Russia and America, The civil war is Northern America vs Southern America
The USSR supported Russia during the Cold Was.
The geo-political goals were some of the conflicting goals in America during the Cold war.