Yes. Knights had swords. Also they hadarrows, shields, chain mail and armor.
Broadswords were basically large swords requiring two hands. They favour stength over speed. Longsword were longer than normal swords and were much faster than a broadsword. Wrong, A broadsword has no real meaning and has been used to define all manner of sideswords backswords longswords armingswords and messers. The term Broadsword came around the same time as the rapier to define a weapon that was larger then a normal rapier. Whilst a longsword is a two-handed blade which gives a greater speed and reaction time then an arming sword however limits you to leaving a shield behind.
Yes, swords can deflect bullets(block bullets), they can also split bullets in half.
Augustuses and Caesars
to display the unity of the rulers ^_^
to display the unity of the rulers ^_^
So when we meet American's we can draw our swords with our right hands and stab them.
they used knives, daggers' spears' bows & arrows, swords, shields, & their bare hands if they had to.
Anything the ninja can get his hands on. including shuriken stars, knives, swords, and even paper can be used as a weapon!
You don't. The only game to feature dual-wielding Energy Swords is Halo Wars, where the Arbiter Ripa'Moramee is shown to be a master dual wielding fighter and is a playable hero unit in skirmish and online modes.
A bastard sword is any of a group of straight-bladed European swords used with either one or two hands.
It represents the Tetrarchs. This is a term which has been coined to indicate the emperors of the system of government created by the emperor Diocletian. In 285 he designated his fellow general Maximian as co-emperor. in 293 the designated two junior emperors (Caesars) who were subordinated to Diocletian and Maximian who became senior emperors (Augusti). This system had been termed the tetrarchy (rule by four in Greek). Hence the term tetrarchs for the four emperors.
There are a lot of kinds of products which are available from the Swords Swords website. Some of the common products are Samurai Swords, Movie Swords, Medieval Swords Swords.
It represents the Tetrarchs. This is a term which has been coined to indicate the emperors of the system of government created by the emperor Diocletian. In 285 he designated his fellow general Maximian as co-emperor. in 293 the designated two junior emperors (Caesars) who were subordinated to Diocletian and Maximian who became senior emperors (Augusti). This system had been termed the tetrarchy (rule by four in Greek). Hence the term tetrarchs for the four emperors.
Samurai swords are from Japan. The swords were made of hardened steel.