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Q: Why did Geronimo decide to surrender?
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Why did Geronimo say once I moved about like the wind now i surrender to you?

he said this because of his death it is the only time he'll surrender

Why did Cochise surrender?

To my knowledge Cochise never surrendered. Perhaps you are thinking of Geronimo; another Apache leader who fought the good fight before deciding to surrender.

He was the last native American to formally surrender to the US?

Geronimo was the last Native American to formally surrender. "The American Journey" National geographic society pg 542

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to decide how to treat Germany after it surrender

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to decide how to treat Germany after it surrender

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Who first shouted Geronimo Geronimo Geronimo?


Why did Robert E. Lee decide to surrender?

Because what few men he had left were barefoot and starving.

How did the US decide to drop a second bomb on Nagasaki?

Japan refused to surrender after the bombing of Hiroshima.

Did Geronimo ever visit Safford Az?

Yes, Geronimo did visit Safford, Arizona. In 1886, after his surrender to the U.S. government, Geronimo was brought as a prisoner of war to Fort Bowie, which is located near present-day Safford. He was later transferred to Fort Sill in Oklahoma. Geronimo's presence in Safford is a significant part of the area's history and is often commemorated in local events and historical markers.

Who was Geronimo?

Geronimo was an apache Indian.