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General Westmoreland said he could defeat the communists if he had more men. So he received more men. Later, he requested more men...he got them. Then again...then TET came in '68; the country was rocked! New commander; more men.

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The U.S. containment policy pretty much wanted to stop the spread of communism, and for whatever reason, Johnson thought that Vietnam was a large communist threat.

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Q: Why did President Johnson increase Americas military presence in Vietnam?
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Were american soldiers stationed in South Korea during the Vietnam war?

The United States has had a continuous military presence in South Vietnam since the war in 1950.

Was Cleopatra involved with the military?

Technically, Cleopatra, as queen, was head of the military. However she had little or no involvement in its procedure's. The time she did get herself involved was at Actium and many ancient writers conclude that her presence there, the controversy it caused and the need for her safety and protection, contributed to the loss.

How long was the Vietnam war with the US?

Some historians start the time when advisers and techicians made their presence known during the late 1950's, some begin when the Special Forces (Green Beret) arrived in the early 1960's, still other historians like to begin when President Johnson sent in regular combat troops in 1965. Where ever you chose to begin your date, it will have to end in 1975, when the North invaded and took over the South.

What was the first battle involving the us in World War 2?

The first official battle of World War II involving overt US military presence was the Battle of Pearl Harbor.

Was there censorship in the Vietnam War?

Yes, military censorship existed in the Vietnam War. Military censorship helps hide important military information from becoming exposed to the enemy. Military information includes, but is not limited to, an ambush, night attack, or invasion. During the Second World War, censorship did not exist, though fortunately, the presence of the world's first atomic bomb was detected neither before nor after the bomb's creation. The Vietnam War was the first war to have censorship.

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To expand the U.S. military presence in Vietnam

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Rutherford Hayes is the one who removed the army from the South. I am not sure when he decided to do it.

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the answer is that he was in order but did not know where it was .i think.

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The U.S wanted to increase military presence in other countries to facilitate military action throughout Europe.

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Not an expert but overtly I do not think the US has a military presence in N. Korea. Covertly I am sure that there will be one or two spies there.

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An increase in room temperature would not necessarily increase the rate of reaction. While it can often increase reaction rates due to the increased kinetic energy of molecules, there are instances where the reaction might not be temperature-sensitive. The other factors listed—reactants being more concentrated, presence of a catalyst, and presence of an enzyme—will typically increase the rate of a reaction.