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every man had to war to serve there country

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Q: Why did every man over the age of 16 have to go and fight in World War 2?
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What age did men go out to fight in World War 1?

every man came to fight in the war at 19

Did every country fight in the World War 2?

Not every country fought in World War II. The main countries that fought in World War II were the US, UK, France, and China, versus Germany, Italy and Japan.

How did US soldiers help in World War 1?

they fight and eat pizza every day

What was credited from World War 2?

we have learn that we should not fight and respect people from all over the world.

Why Olympics is closed during world war?

The olympics was closed during world war because in every game we might fight with each other or play roughly

What war did the most Americans fight in?

Second World War, in which over 16 million Americans were inducted into the Armed Forces.

When was World War 1 and why did New Zealand send soldiers overseas to fight?

World War I was in the era of around the 1910's to the 1920's, with World War II to follow shortly afterwards. New Zealand sent troops over because they were our allies and they helped us fight to keep Germany from taking over the world.

Did Adolf Hitler fight in World War I?

He did fight in World War 1 and was injured in action.

Did japan fight in world war 2?

Yes, they fought the Philippines when they tried to take it over.

Is war a global issue?

Yes war is a global issue. Remember the World Wars? Every country is affected by war at one point. Even if only two country's are at war. Every country will fight one.

What did you get to go in the trenches?

To fight in the First World War or similar. To fight in the First World War or similar.

Did Lithuania fight in World War 2?

Lithuania did fight in World War 2 but it was part of Russia.