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To go with the rations , to stop them taking advantage. It stopped them going into one shop ,taking their rations and going into another to get the same again.

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Q: Why did people have to register with their shops in World War 2?
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Why did people have to go to shops and get registered during World War 2?

If you are asking about the United States they didn't have to register in WW2.

During the world war why do people register with shops?

Registration was due to the need to ration supplies. Once registered, a person was issued with a Ration Book, allowing them to get a rationed amount of basic foodstuffs.

How many shoe repair shops were there during World War 2?

During the World War II, the number of repair shops totaled nearly 70,000

Were there malls' during World War 2?

No. Must people shopped at local specialist shops and didn't own a car.

Why did the people in World War 2 have to register to buy things?

It was the rationing method for allotment of goods so that all could obtain a share of goods that were in short supply.

When will gears of war 3 be in the shops?

People are saying 2 to 3 years.

How can you register a deceased veteran on the World War 2 memorial?

Contact the nearest Branch of Veterans of Foreign War's. They should be able to direct you to the right people, -Probably your City Hall, or whoever is responsible for Monuments.

Why did in Britain during World War 2 did they have register themselvesve into the shops they go?

Possibly to go with the rations, to stop them taking advantage. It stopped them going into one shop, taking their rations and going into another to get the same again, Etc. +++ I'm not sure if anyone "registered" in the shops but they did need Government-issued ration-cards for most foods and many other commodities.

Do people know Jesse stahl's childhood?

I have read that he was originally from Tennessee, but he did register for the draft in Eureka, California right before the US entered World War I. Wish I knew more.

How was World War 1 different from World War 11?

Well in the world war l there was few of people like 120 people in the second word war there was 999 of people.

Did more people die in WW1 than World War 2?

No, many more people died in World War 2 than world war 1. It is estimated that 16 million people died in World War 1, and around 60 million in World War 2.World War II was no where near as violent as World War I, but yes, more people died in World War II.

Which World War 2 event involved the vandalizing of Jewish shops in Germany?

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