Tools to disfranchise African Americans.
Much of Lincoln's plan for Reconstruction came from a group of Congressmen from his own party. The group, known as the Radical Republicans, believed that the Civil War had been fought over the moral issue of slavery. The Radicals insisted that the main goal of Reconstruction should be a total restructuring of society to guarantee black people true equality.
There were many examples of disenfranchisement and restrictions placed on African-Americans after the Reconstruction. These included poll taxes, educational requirements, grandfather clauses, the Eight Box Law in South Carolina, property requirements, Jim Crow laws, and White Primaries.
Jim Crow Laws
The "franchise" is the right to vote; to "disenfranchise" means to deny someone the right to vote. In the south after the war, during reconstruction, white men generally were not allowed to vote, and the freed slaves were allowed to vote. As soon as reconstruction was over whites regained political power and though various laws (poll taxes, literacy tests) again disenfranchised the blacks. (No women could vote until 1920).
The government paid for Reconstruction by increasing taxes throughout the country. This period took place after the American Civil War.
increase taxes
High taxes and the black codes High cost of raw materials and lack of cheap skilled manpower were the two problems of the reconstruction governments.
High taxes and the black codes High cost of raw materials and lack of cheap skilled manpower were the two problems of the reconstruction governments.
Free markets, civil liberties, smaller governments, less taxes, more freedom.
All governments charge taxes. Some governments have income taxes, some have property taxes, some have sales taxes.
Governments collect taxes to be able to afford programs and a system of defense.
Local financial reserves were exhausted An increase in sales taxes An elimination of unemployment relief programs
It help pay for repair's for Reconstruction Era
fees to the governments