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The goals of the schlieffen plan was to surround Paris and force France into a quick surrender. The schlieffen plan was to move quickly through Belgium, which failed, as German troops were held in Belgium for 6 weeks. The quick surrender of France would have allowed Gremany to turn its attention to Tsarist Russia. Due to the failure of the schlieffen plan, Germany was forced to fight World War One on two fronts and Germany's attempt to swiftly move through Belgium also forced Britain to join the war effort against Germany.
The Schlieffen Plan was the strategic plan for victory, in case of the instance where Germany would be fighting a war on two fronts. In order to speed up the process of the Schlieffen Plan and avoid a war on two fronts, Germany declared war on France and invaded Belgium. In defence of Belgium's neutral standing in the War, Britain declared war on Germany and thus the First World War began, therefore, the hastiness of German forces and the Schlieffen plan; had effectively sparked the First World War. . Vanessa.S
The main reason behind the Schlieffen Plan was to ensure that Germany could not be invaded from both the East (Russia) and West (France) simultaneously. The idea was to defeat France swiftly by cutting through Belgium, swiftly deal with the French and then to return to the eastern front to see off Russia who it was reckoned would take longer to mobilise. It was carried out in 1914 long after Count Schlieffen's 'retirement' and was the main reason Britain joined the war as they had an alliance with neutral Belgium to protect her if her neutrality was ever compromised by invasion.
The Schlieffen Plan, named after Alfred von Schlieffen, the general who created it. Understanding that a war (World War I) would probably happen soon and that it would involve Germany fighting against France and Russia at the same time, it was designed to attack France and defeat her quickly. The Russian army was very large but slow to mobilize, so it gave Germany time to fight France first.
It disrupted the Schlieffen Plan and denied the Germans the early French surrender that they had been counting on. This meant that it would not be a short war.
Schlieffen created the plan that Germany attempted to execute during World War I. That plan happened to possibly have spelled doom for Germany, as it tied down the military who refused to think of a new plan because they thought the plan they had would work.
General Alfred von Schlieffen developed the Schlieffen Plan in 1905 to ensure that Germany would win a war against an alliance between France and Russia in Europe. A modified version of his plan was unsuccessfully used in World War 1 that started in 1914. Alfred von Schlieffen was a German field marshal who was born in 1833 and died in 1913.
Germany would invade France quickly then head to russia
The goals of the schlieffen plan was to surround Paris and force France into a quick surrender. The schlieffen plan was to move quickly through Belgium, which failed, as German troops were held in Belgium for 6 weeks. The quick surrender of France would have allowed Gremany to turn its attention to Tsarist Russia. Due to the failure of the schlieffen plan, Germany was forced to fight World War One on two fronts and Germany's attempt to swiftly move through Belgium also forced Britain to join the war effort against Germany.
German General Von Schlieffen was relying on a huge turning maneuver against France. He would use five armies totaling over one million troops.
The Schlieffen Plan was the strategic plan for victory, in case of the instance where Germany would be fighting a war on two fronts. In order to speed up the process of the Schlieffen Plan and avoid a war on two fronts, Germany declared war on France and invaded Belgium. In defence of Belgium's neutral standing in the War, Britain declared war on Germany and thus the First World War began, therefore, the hastiness of German forces and the Schlieffen plan; had effectively sparked the First World War. . Vanessa.S
The Schlieffen Plan was created by General Count Alfred von Schlieffen in December 1905. The Schlieffen Plan was the operational plan for a designated attack on France once Russia, in response to international tension, had started to mobilize her forces near the German border. The execution of the Schlieffen Plan led to Britain declaring war on Germany on August 4th, 1914. In 1905, Schlieffen was chief of the German General Staff. Europe had effectively divided into two camps by this year - Germany, Austria and Italy (the Triple Alliance) on one side and Britain, France and Russia (the Triple Entente) on the other. Schlieffen believed that the most decisive area for any future war in Europe would be in the western sector. Here, Schlieffen identified France as Germany's most dangerous opponent. Russia was not as advanced as France in many areas and Schlieffen believed that Russia would take six weeks to mobilize her forces and that any possible fighting on the Russian-German border could be coped with by the Germans for a few weeks while the bulk of her forces concentrated on defeating France. Schlieffen concluded that a massive and successful surprise attack against France would be enough to put off Britain becoming involved in a continental war. This would allow Germany time (the six weeks that Schlieffen had built into his plan) to transfer soldiers who had been fighting in the successful French campaign to Russia to take on the Russians. Schlieffen also planned for the attack on France to go through Belgium and Luxemburg. Belgium had had her neutrality guaranteed by Britain in 1839 - so his strategy for success depended on Britain not supporting Belgium. The Schlieffen Plan was revised as tension in Europe increased. However, the basic mechanics of it remained the same: 1. devastating attack on France via Belgium as soon as Russia had announced her intention to mobilize. 2. holding operation on the Russian/German border to be carried out if necessary and if required. 3. Germany had 6 weeks to defeat France. 4. Germany would then use her modernized rail system to move troops from the French operation to the Russian front. 5. Russia would then be attacked and defeated. The Schlieffen Plan was daring but it had a number of glaring weaknesses: The actions of Russia determined when Germany would have to start her attack on France even if she was ready or not. It assumed that Russia would need six weeks to mobilize. It assumed that Germany would defeat France in less than six weeks. In fact, the attack in August 1914 nearly succeeded and was only defeated by the first Battle of the Marne. Poor communication between the frontline commanders and the army's headquarters in Berlin did not help Moltke's control of the campaign. Also the withdrawal of German troops in response to a higher than expected threat on the Russian front, meant that the Germans did not have the military clout that Schlieffen had built into his original plan. It was a plan that nearly succeeded but its success could only be measured by being 100% successful. France had to be defeated - and this did not happen. Schlieffen's speedy attack and expected defeat of France never occurred - it's failure did usher in the era of trench warfare that is so much linked to World War One.
The main reason behind the Schlieffen Plan was to ensure that Germany could not be invaded from both the East (Russia) and West (France) simultaneously. The idea was to defeat France swiftly by cutting through Belgium, swiftly deal with the French and then to return to the eastern front to see off Russia who it was reckoned would take longer to mobilise. It was carried out in 1914 long after Count Schlieffen's 'retirement' and was the main reason Britain joined the war as they had an alliance with neutral Belgium to protect her if her neutrality was ever compromised by invasion.
In December 1905, while the ship makers in Portsmouth were hard on work on the HMS Dreadnought, an ageing German general was putting the finishing touches to a plan of war. His name was Count Alfred Von Schlieffen, the most senior general in the German army.Schlieffen was not at that moment intending to go to war. He was simply working out how Germany could fight her enemies if ever it became necessary.As you know, Germany's main enemies were France and Russia, and this is what made Schlieffen's task difficult. If Germany fought France, Russia would attack Germany from the east. To protect the country, Schlieffen would then have to split his army into two and fight the war on two fronts - east and west. No general wants to do this because he can only use half an army to fight each enemy.The plan that Schlieffen made in 1905 aimed to avoid a war on two fronts. He said that although the Russian armies were big, the roads and railways in Russia were so bad that the Russians would take six weeks to get into position for fighting Germany. So if war began,, the whole German army should invade France by travelling at high speed through Belgium and northern France to capture Paris. Having defeated France withing six weeks, the German army would them be sent to the other side of Europe to fight the Russians who would still be getting ready.It was a simple plan but unfortunately it really made a war on two fronts even more likely. Schlieffen took it for granted that if Russia attacked Germany, France would also attack. But suppose that France decided not to help Russia, and to keep out of the war, the Plan meant that Germany would attack France anyway. Schlieefen had made sure that any war fought by Germany would be a big one.
I do not remember completely- but it was a plan to fight the French on the west, defeat them quickly, and then they would be able to move to the east and counter the Russians. It failed.
The Schlieffen Plan was a strategy developed in the early 20th century in the event that germany would have to face a war in two fronts, with Russia and France. Eventually World war 1 came and the plan was put to action. It hurt Germany because Russia was fast in preparation and the plan accounted for Russia being slow to prepare for war.
The Schlieffen Plan, named after Alfred von Schlieffen, the general who created it. Understanding that a war (World War I) would probably happen soon and that it would involve Germany fighting against France and Russia at the same time, it was designed to attack France and defeat her quickly. The Russian army was very large but slow to mobilize, so it gave Germany time to fight France first.