Yes there are Mongols , people living in Mongolia are mongols.
Where did the Mongols execute bugs?
Where did the Mongols execute bugs?
The Chinese were the cause of the fall of the mongols
On October 11, 1867, the United States purchased Alaska from Russia. However, the territory would be known as Seward's Folly until the Klondike Gold Rush of 1896.
No, the Mongols helped expand it.
The Tanguts became involved in a trade dispute with the Mongols because of high tariffs. Genghis quickly overwhelmed the Tanguts militarily, received a reduction of the tariffs, and returned to Mongolia. Genghis did not expand the Mongol territory after this invasion.
One goal of the democratic party was to expand the nation's territory.
genghis khan of couse.
The Mongols were never able to expand to Western Europe, the farthest west they could get was Eastern Europe.
They wanted to expand their territory because their mamma was to fat .
The Mongols
The Mongols
No "China" as we think of it today
By conquest.
You tell me how Rome could have possibly have expanded YOUR territory.
The United States wanted the Louisiana territory in order to expand its territory