they are enemies
In the first failed attack not much resulted. (George Washington almost died) The second (successful) attack directed by Pitt turned the tide for the British. Fort Duquesne then became renamed Fort Pitt (becomes Pittsburgh).
The British
Because they captured a great number of arms, powder and cannons, which were then employed in the siege of Boston, forcing the British to abandon the city.
indian weapon's starded to trade
Champlain had a bad relationship with native they came to greet him and he shot them and called them savages and never did like them Samuel de Champlain worked with the natives once because he was trading with them in new France. he had to attack another tribe by helping one
Champlain had a bad relationship with native they came to greet him and he shot them and called them savages and never did like them Samuel de Champlain worked with the natives once because he was trading with them in new France. he had to attack another tribe by helping one
Champlain had a bad relationship with native they came to greet him and he shot them and called them savages and never did like them Samuel de Champlain worked with the natives once because he was trading with them in new France. he had to attack another tribe by helping one
War was declared by America against Japan for the attack. A few days later, Hitler, as an ally of Japan, declared war against America. This brought America officially into the war on the British and Allies side.
When a potential attack target appears or disappears, a 'replay' is caused. The attacking monster may continue its attack, against a new target if it wishes. Or it may discontinue its attack and forfeit attacking for that turn.
to attack the British naval and air bases there
The Indians did not unite and attack the british because the british did not give them a chance to unite and attack.
He betrayed his country. He basically planned and attack on them, but it failed. He tried to abandon his country [France] in their time of need.
American Reveloution