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becuase thats wat it says in the geography books

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Q: Why did the war in Balkans became a wider European war?
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Why were the Balkans at the center of the conflict between European powers?

During World War II, the Balkans were not in fact at the center of the conflict between European powers. While all of the Balkan nations became embroiled in the war, whether as Axis or Allied associates, this theater remained subsidiary (if also important for its material resources and drain on Axis manpower) from start to finish.

Why were the Balkans at the center of the conflict between European power?

During World War II, the Balkans were not in fact at the center of the conflict between European powers. While all of the Balkan nations became embroiled in the war, whether as Axis or Allied associates, this theater remained subsidiary (if also important for its material resources and drain on Axis manpower) from start to finish.

Where were the major European international crises in the decade before World War 1?

Balkans, Morocco

How did the invasion of Poland lead to wider European war?

France and England had both pledged their support and defense of Poland.

What were the Balkans called during World War 1?

The Balkans were called the "Powder Keg of Europe" because they were responsible for World War I starting.

What were the causes of the Balkan conflicts?

During World War II, the Balkans were not in fact at the center of the conflict between European powers. While all of the Balkan nations became embroiled in the war, whether as Axis or Allied associates, this theater remained subsidiary (if also important for its material resources and drain on Axis manpower) from start to finish.

What did the civil war in the Balkans revolve around?

The Civil War of Balkans revolved around preserving the unity of Yugoslavia. The goal was to crush the secessionist governments.

Was the war in the balkans allied power or axis?


Who fought for control of the Balkans in Eastern Europe?

Prior to World War I, the Russians and Austrians were feuding over control of the Balkans.

India became independent after World War 2 because?

After World war II ended, India became an independent country. It did this by taking advantage of the weakness of the European countries.

What action did austria take in tha balkans?

Austria tried to control the imperialist and national tensions in the Balkans to prevent a war in Europe.

Which area of the world has considered the powder keg of Europe prior to World War 1?

The powder keg of Europe refers to the Balkans, and various European powers that laid claim to the territory. Those countries primarily included Russia, Germany, and Austria-Hungary.