In many combatant countries essential goods, especially food and clothing, were in short supply. The purpose of rationing by coupon was to avoid rationing by price, which would have caused hardship among many ordinary people. Sugar and gasoline were scarce, so they were rationed to keep people with money from hoarding them or profiteering from selling them at high prices to those who really needed them. I think it was also done to make everybody conscious that there was a war going on and that a total war effort was needed.
D ration bar
Government issued ration books
Ration cards.
A fixed allowance of food in WW2 was called a ration. Every soldier had their specific ration of food each day.
yes they have it in world war 2
whem did the rations finish in world war 2?
Yes there were.
The ration group of WWII was the Office of Price Administration (OPA).
the shopkeepers in world war 2 had to stamp the ration books to make sure that the person collecting the rations could not collect more.
Everyone in the UK
Really everything was rationed in WW2.
Unwanted ration tokens.