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Turkey had originally declared war on Russia,subsequenly the entente powers doing the same to the ottoman empire.they had gone to war with russia becaus eof the on going threats russia made in their desire to control the Turkish straits.

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Q: Why did turkey go to WW1?
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What did Turkey do in WW1?

Starting in October 1914, Turkey joined on Germany's side in WW1, the central powers, then in the May of 1915, joined the allied powers.

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In WW1 in Turkey

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Germany, Austro Hungaria, Turkey.

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Austria-Hungary & Turkey

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Turkey was born as a result of WW1. and do your own research people

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Turkey was established

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Nope. Seljuks before Beyliks. Finally the Ottomans. Then Turks. After losing WW1 they became Turkey.

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Turkey did not join WW2 until the very last moment. Thankfully it stayed out of a European problem. WW1 the Ottoman Empire (Turkey) allied with the Germans.

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Turkey, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Poland.

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Gallipolli was an unsuccessful Australian attack in Turkey during WW1.

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Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey, Bulgaria.