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The civil war wasn't a war for freedom because they already had their freedom. It's just the North was trying to abolish slavery and the south was trying to keep slavery and make one union into two, and make two governments for each side. And the Revolutionary war was a war for freedom. It was against anothr country that was holding the United States from breaking apart with the British. The Civil War was against themselves, so it was "a war against ourselves, not a war against somebody else, but ourselves."

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Q: Why is the civil war and Revolutionary War not one war for freedom?
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Who fought against one another in the revolutionary?

In the Revolutionary War the U.S. was fighting against the British for their freedom.

Did the shot heard round the world start the civil war or the Revolutionary War?

Historically, no one single shot can be identified as the first shot of the war.

How is a revoulutionary war like a civil war?

they are not alike they are completely different; revolutionary: a war between two countries civil war: a war between one country againts itself

What were the similarities between the American Revolutionary War and the US Civil War?

The Revolutionary War and the Civil war were both fought in the name of Unity. Also, the causes of these to wars are very similiar. The Revolutionary War was caused in part by taxes that angered the colonists. Later, before the Civil War, people were being angered by the high tariffs. The Tariff of Abomination, for example. Also, both wars were a fight for freedom. In the Revolutionary War, the colonists were in pursuit of freedom from the British. One of the reasons behind the Civil War was the desire of freedom for slaves. Independence is another key in both of these wars. The colonists fighting in the Revolutionary War wanted to be independent from the British. Some of the people fighting in the Civil War were fighting partially because of the compact theory. They wanted to be able to leave the union if they did not agree with something that was a part of it.

How did the American revolution lead to the civil war?

no, the American Civil War and the American Revolution were to separate wars

Between the civil and the revolutionary war which one was more justified?

between the two wars which one was more justified

What did America gain from civil war?

Well, for one, slaves in America gained their freedom

Why did the American Civil War begin?

the reason the American civil war begun is because people wanted freedom. they also didn't like their economy and wanted a different one

How did civil war technology differ from earlier military technology?

Civil War technology was video, pictures, letters and articles. Earlier military technology did not have video and only depended on letter and pictures.

Which killed more soldiers in one day than in the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812 and the Mexican War combined?

For Americans fighting on or near their own soil the Civil War was the bloodiest of the wars. It would out do the Revolutionary War, The War of 1812 and The Mexican American War. The Battle of Gettysburg out did them all.

Which battle killed more soldiers in one day than in the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812 and the Mexican War combined?

Antietam in the Civil War

What happened in Revolutionary War?

we won our freedom and became a separate country from Great Britain. we also had one of the greatest military generals in history.