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they wore skirts and used spheras

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Q: Why knights wore armor?
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What is the strongest armor knights wore?

I belive a steel plate

What type of armor did knights wear?

they wore good armour

What are European knights battle uniform and weapons?

The European knights wore a suit of armor and their weapon is a sword

What was knights armor like?

a knights armer was very heavy and probably uncomfertable. A knights armor consisted of chainmail or platemail and platelegs. a knight also wore a helmet a shield and sword

What did knights wear?

knights wore metal armor which was very hard to carry on because it weighed many pounds!

What types of clothing did knights wear?

They would wear suits of metal plate armor, but early knights wore tough leather

What kind of clothes did knights wear in the middle ages?

They wore metal armor to protect themselfs.

How is armor made for girls?

It isn't made for women. Men were the only ones who wore armour and they were knights.

What did a knight where in medieval times?

knights wore a chain like jacket under lots of metal armor.

What did knights look like?

Knights wore heavy armor made of metal, often including a helmet, breastplate, gauntlets, and greaves. They carried shields and weapons such as swords, spears, and axes. Knights also often had a coat of arms and heraldry displayed on their armor and shield.

What did Medieval Time knights wear to protect themselves?

Answer That was the age of which they wore suits of Armor. It is a very interesting subject to learn!

Something knights wore on their head?

Knights wore a helm