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because they could not come to terms on how to treat Germany, 'the treaty of versailles?

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Q: Why there were disagreements between the Big three at the peace conference held in Paris after th war?
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What was the purpose of the peace conference?

There have been lots of difference Peace Conferences in the history of the world. You have not said which specific Peace Conference you are referring to. Generally, a Peace Conference happens at the end of a war or other dispute, and it agrees how the war will end and settles disagreements between the parties.

Who represented Germany in the Peace Conference?

who represented germany at the paris peace conference

What was the name of the Conference where the Treaty of Versailles was signed?

paris peace conference.

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for a peace conference...

What part did Brazil take in the Paris Peace Conference?

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What has the author Norman Gordon Levin written?

Norman Gordon Levin has written: 'Woodrow Wilson and the Paris Peace Conference' -- subject(s): Paris. Peace Conference, 1919, Treaty of Versailles (1919), Treaty of Versailles, Paris Peace Conference (1919-1920)

What was the goal of the Paris Peace Conference?

The goal of the Paris Peace Conference was to negotiate peace treaties between the Allied and Central Powers after World War I. It aimed to establish terms for peace, create new boundaries, and address issues such as reparations, territorial adjustments, and the establishment of the League of Nations.

World organization created at the Paris Peace Conference?

The allied victors of World War I met at the Paris Peace Conference. One of the major decisions made was the creation of the League of Nations.

32 countries attended the Paris peace conference?
