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why is the communist takeover of china relevant to the cold war

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Q: Why was the communist takeover of china important to the cold war?
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Why was the communist takeover in China of concern to Western nations?

As a communist nation, China became part of the global communist alliance lead by the USSR. Western nations were in conflict with the communist bloc during the Cold War.

What side did china support in the cold war?

China is a communist country. The cold war was between the western countries and the communist countries. China supported the communist countries.

How did Communist takeover in Poland Bulgaria Czechoslovakia 1945-1948 contribute to the cold war?

Because they're cool like that ;)

How did Communist takeover in China lead to the Korean war?

The COLD WAR was between communism and the free world. Communist North Korea was attacking a free world nation...South Korea.

What happened to Tibet during the cold war?

Communist China occupied it.

How was the cold war affected by a communist government in china?

The Red Chinese were part of the communist superpowers, they had "the bomb." (A-Bomb).

What were the two largest communist states in the Cold War?

The 2 largest communist states in the Cold War (both in size and in power) were the USSR and China. The USSR was the main force behind invading foreign countries but China were also very strong communist supporters.

What is the similarties between The Korean War and The Vietnam War?

Both wars were part of the cold war; both were Southern free nations verses communist northern countries. In both wars, the USSR/Red China supported the Northern communist nations. Note: There were TWO Chinas during the cold: Communist China & Nationalist China.

The Cold War relaxed a little as the American team visted Communist China.?

Table Tennis

What were the two groups in China during the cold war that were trying to gain power?

nationalist and communist

What three nations that became Communist during the Cold War?

Soviet Union, China Korea

Why were President Johnson and most of his senior advisors determined to prevent a communist takeover in South Vietnam?

Because that was his fight communist aggression. When LBJ took the oath of office & as commander in chief, he became a world leader of the cold war.