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because in the southern colones its better because they made money.

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Q: Why were middle and southern colonies better suited for cash crops?
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Continue Learning about Military History

What were the military advantages and disadvantages of the north and south in 1860?

The North had a good manufacturing base, excellent lines of internal communication (the railroads) and more people. The South had fewer people and not much manufacturing capability to speak of. The southern economy was primarily agricultural, focused on cotton and tobacco. There were few rail lines available for internal communications. Much of the economy was dependent on shipping their goods to European ports, which made their ship-borne commerce susceptible to blockade and interception. From every practical point of view, the war was lost before the first shots were fired at Fort Sumter. The South did have one advantage; one of the finest generals ever to graduate from West Point, Robert E. Lee. It wasn't quite enough.

Sentence with amphibious in it?

Amphibious means relating to or suited for both land and water. A sample sentence is: "Frogs and toads are amphibious creatures".

What was the main cause of the American Revolution?

Being under the control of Britain eventually became unbearable for the US colonies and they wanted their independence, to control their own destinies. Specifically, Americans did not tolerate "taxation without representation". The British taxed Americans heavily, but their parliament refused to address American concerns. Britain continued to exercise its military control in support of its mercantile system, but events such as the Boston Massacre and the laws that followed the Boston Tea Party soured relations with the colonies, and armed conflict became inevitable. (see the related question)

How did the southern with fewer supplies and resources manage to stall a northern victory for four years?

Generally, it was up to the North to do the invading. The South was mostly operating within its own heartlands. This meant they didn't have to maintain long supply-lines. It also gave them a clear and emotive reason for fighting - to defend their beloved home. In the first half of the war, the Confederates were able to exploit a big advantage in the calibre of their Generals. And the rank-&-file tended to be more naturally suited to the soldierly skills such as shooting and riding. There was also a particular defiant streak in the Confederate character, a stubborn refusal to give up. At Appomattox, the men were barefoot and starving, but still stayed with Lee long after they might be expected to have surrendered.

Does SEAL team 6 go on long tours in Iraq and Afghanistan or just short missions?

SEAL Team 6, also known as Naval Special Warfare Development Group (DEVGRU), typically deploys on short-term missions rather than long tours. Their missions involve high-profile and high-risk targets, such as counter-terrorism operations and hostage rescues. These missions often require a covert and precise approach that is better suited for shorter periods of time rather than extended deployments.

Related questions

How did the land and climate of the southern colonies affect agriculture?

The warm climate and rich soil of the Southern Colonies were well suited for agriculture.

Why was England better suited for war than were the colonies?

The England army were better trained because the colonies army were a bunch of farmers.

Why were southern an Caribbean colonies most dependent on slave labor?

Their climate an soil were suited to large farms

Why were southern and Caribbean colonies most depended on slave labor?

Their climate an soil were suited to large farms

How was the climate in the southern colonies?

The southern colonies were the warmest of all. Crops could be grown throughout the year. The climate was perfect for plantations.

Which condition in the middle colonies encouraged the growth of Philadelphia New York as busy ports?

soil and climate suited to cash crops

Which condition in the middle colonies encouraged the growth of Philadelphia and New York as busy ports?

soil and climate suited to cash crops

Why was the southern colonies well suited for growing crops?

so u think tht imma give u the answer so her it is ! ANSWER: BLA

Why were most colonies built along rivers?

the areas was best suited for starting colonies there

How did the climate influence the economies of the southern colonies?

In the northern colonies, it was rocky and there were lots of forests, so they made lumber, built ships, had more busy cities, and had good fishing.In the southern colonies, there was fertile soil and a hotter climate, which was good for growing cash crops. Also, it was mostly rural.In the middle colonies, there was a large variety of land, which was good for growing tobacco and indigo. They were mostly farmers, but fishing, lumber, and shipbuilding were also common. These colonies were a cross between the north and south.Just did this for 7th grade social studies hw... hope its helpful!

What geographic factors influenced the development of the Atlantic slave trade?

Some Geographic factors were: the climate of the southern colonies was suited to Growing certain crops like cotton tobacco and sugarcane

Why were the Southern colonies well suited for growing certain crops?

The most simple answer is that the southern colonies had way milder weather conditions. New England is much colder and gets less sunlight on average. The South however, was a seemingly perfect environment for the foundation of plantations and other large tobacco and cotton farms. It just made sense and worked better that way.