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Q: Why were the aztecs not as technology developed with weaponry as the conquistadors?
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Was the Spanish unable to overpower the Aztecs and the Incas with their superior weaponry?

The Spanish had superior weaponry, but the Aztecs had many more people, and the Spanish had to flee a few times, or ally with natives, in order to take over. They also did lots of tricky things like kidnapping and giving permission for celebrations and then turning them into massacres. I don't think that there was ever much doubt that they would eventually overcome; just they had to change their timing and alter their plans sometimes because of the strength of the natives.

Was the spanish ever unable to overpower the Aztecs and the incas with there superior weaponry?

The Spanish had superior weaponry, but the Aztecs had many more people, and the Spanish had to flee a few times, or ally with natives, in order to take over. They also did lots of tricky things like kidnapping and giving permission for celebrations and then turning them into massacres. I don't think that there was ever much doubt that they would eventually overcome; just they had to change their timing and alter their plans sometimes because of the strength of the natives.

The special arming methods that were developed by the Incas and the Aztecs?

A couple of the special farming methods that the Inca and Aztec people developed were irrigation systems and terraced hillsides.

Who would win in a war Aztecs or Mayans?

Aztecs because mayans weren't as skilled as the Aztecs

Is it true the Spanish were unable to overpower the Aztecs and the Incas with their superior weaponry?

Yes, the Spanish had weapons that the Aztects and Incas had never seen before therefore resulting in the primary factor of the two civilizations simply not being prepared with the right weapons hence the Spanish had better weapons. The Spanish easily overpowered the two in that subject.

Related questions

What was a disadvantage the Spanish had in conquering the Aztecs?

The only significant disadvantage the Spanish conquistadors faced was the fact that they didn't know the land/geography as well as the Aztecs did. The Aztecs faced far more graver disadvantages like disease, lack of advanced weaponry, etc.

What were the changes for the Aztecs?

Spanish conquistadors

Why were spanish conquistadors so successful in conquering native people?

It was quiet simple really. The conquistadors had better weapons and better tactics.

How do the Aztecs view the Spanish?

The Aztecs initially viewed the Spanish as powerful and god-like beings due to their advanced technology and weaponry. However, as the Spanish began to conquer and colonize their land, the Aztecs came to see them as ruthless invaders and oppressors.

Why did many Aztecs die in the first two years following Cortes' arrival?

Disease mainly killed them because they weren't immune to the germs and diseases that the conquistadors brought with. The Aztecs also were no match with Cortes' weaponry. Also, insteadbof just killing the Spaniards, the Aztecs imprisoned them and saved them so they could be sacrificed, and that was a big mistake.

Who murdered the Aztecs?

Hernand Cortez and his Spanish Conquistadors.

What caused the demise of the Aztecs?

disease and Spanish conquistadors

One reason the Spanish conquistadors were able to conquer the Aztec and Inca Empires rapidly is that?

The Spanish soldiers made effective use of their military technology against the Aztecs.

Who did conquistadors conquer?

The conquistadors are best known for their subjugation of the Aztecs in Mexico (Cortes) and the Incas in Peru (Pizarro).

Leader of the Spanish conquistadors who conquered the Aztecs?

Hernando Cortes

Who concored the Aztecs?

it was the conquistadors from Spain i think it was Hernando cortez

What was the advantage the Aztecs and Inca's held over the conquistadors?

They had guns.