You fill the wheelbarrow with whatever you want to transport (dirt, bricks, marbles, books) and then lift the two handles in the rear. Most of the weight should be on the wheel, which on solid level ground should roll smoothly (do not overload those with pneumatic tires). To steer, push harder on one handle than the other, and tilt a little toward the direction of the turn.
The workman took a stack of bricks through the gate in his wheelbarrow. At a county fair, the wheelbarrow race does not use actual wheelbarrows.
a wheelbarrow
The villagers use a big wheelbarrow to move Stormy because she is a large and heavy cow. The wheelbarrow provides a sturdy and convenient way to transport her without putting strain on the villagers' backs.
When you lift a wheelbarrow, you are applying a force over a shorter distance (lever arm) compared to the load in the wheelbarrow, which is being lifted over a longer distance. This results in the effort being smaller than the load in the wheelbarrow, following the principle of mechanical advantage in lever systems.
It has no motor so it takes more work
A fulcrum.
It is wheelbarrow.
they used it for illegal use
Kelvin Wheelbarrow goes by Ol' Wheelbarrow.
One use of a lever is a wheelbarrow.
Because rain had fallen on the wheelbarrow
Because rain had fallen on the wheelbarrow