They are not I have had one in my shed for around 10 years and it has not hert anyone!! They also are dangerous because you could just go over a stick and the wheel will get stuck and you will flip over or if you try to do a trick and you might fall over and get hurt but to be the most safe wear a helment I know you dont want to I dont ethier my mom makes me but they give you an exuse for doing dangerous things, I love riding scooters but the helmets that look the coolest are skate helmets there really cool I got one.
Spark scooters can be dangerous if you make it dangerous many have lit a fire with it but it had gas on the flor so yes they can be
Yes mopeds are more dangerous due to their smaller tire size.
I have owned both of these scooters and the pro scooters are much better, That's why they cost more than slam scooters.
Gas powered scooters can be found online at Extreme Scooters, Trend Times, and Urban Scooters. For a bargain, check out second-hand scooters on Craigslist.
push scooters invented
Does Mesker zoo have scooters for the handicap?
40 three wheel scooters and 10 four wheel scooters
Definitely Madd Gear scooters!
PGO Scooters was created in 1964.
And district and Phoenix are the worst
Scuttle's Scooters was created in 2001.
Genuine Scooters was created in 2002.