Depends on the model. CRF 80f will go about 40 mph, a CRF 100f will go 50-55 mph, a CRF 150F will go 60-70 mph, a CRF 250 will completley depend on the terrain and rider but the top speed is about 70 or more
how fast can a Honda CRF 230 go? Awnser my friend rides one of these and it probably goes 130 km to 140 km
It can go 65 to 70 mph
1 mph
about 100 kph or 60 mph
Too fast for you. You may want to start with a Honda Elite.
The crf110f goes about 50-60 mph depending on the riders weight
well 20-40 but it all depends on the weight of the rider.
For a adult it goes from 40-48mph.For a kid it goes from 50-59mph.
A Honda 250 recon will top out at 48 mph