mate you can ride a dirt bike legally on farms or just on a property you own. It should be legal.Everywhere as long as you know how to operate a dirt bike and are responsible while using it.-Marty in Santa Ana
I don't know? Where is MaryLand?
Not legally. Dirt bikes are made for off road use.
No, it is illegal to ride a dirt bike on the street but you can ride it on a trail or dirt bike track.
i wanna a 50cc dirt bike
you don't have to be a certain age to legally ride a dirtbike on the side of the road,but you do need to be 16 years old to ride one on the road
no not unless you ride on the road
Any dirt bike which is eligible to be ridden on public roads in MN must be registered. You should check with the DMV in your area to see if your particular dirt bike would be eligible for registration.
only for trail and street use plz recommend me!!!!
any body that can ride a dirt bike safly and good
Good information about the dirt bike is that you can ride them when they are not anything to do