Sometimes monster trucks are offered for sale by the owner after monster truck shows. They are also sometimes auctioned or become prizes of raffle drawings. This can vary and one shouldn't rely on going to a monster truck show to buy a monster truck. Monster trucks can also be found for sale in local classified ads, car magazines, EBay, and a website called Racing Junk.
Maximum Destruction as far as I know. There is a video on Youtube and the commentator says that he is the first to do it in the history of Monster Truck shows. So???
No it is not a monster truck name
monster trucks were invented in late 1970's by bob chandler and his monster truck Bigfoot were the first ones to use a monster truck
Are you sure? A "monster truck?" Man, there is no way to kill a monster truck in real life. Anyone can edit this answer if they think there is a way to actually kill a monster truck.
A double down is when a single driver wins both the racing and freestyle competition for the night.
You cannot find the circumference of a monster truck because it is not a circle.
Around $200,000
A monster (doh!)
There are many videos featuring monster trucks posted on YouTube. Monster truck videos can also be viewed on the website All Monster, which features not only videos but monster truck news and events.