The better question is ..... Is that a state that never has accidents? Lol
Yes, you are required to buy a motorcycle helmet to ride in NC and obtain a motorcycle license. This applies to all motorcycle riders regardless of age or motorcycle power.
yes yes. on motorcycle.
No, it needs to be DOT (Department of Transportation) approved.
noGo to
You need a motorcycle license to drive a motorcycle (Class M) in Wisconsin. If you are under 18, you need an instruction permit to drive one. There is no minimum age to ride a motorcycle in Wisconsin, but "a child has to ride behind the driver (cannot sit in front of the driver), and has to wear a helmet. The child has to be able to reach the foot pegs - the foot pegs can legally be raised." See the related link for more on motorcycle licenses in Wisconsin.
Yes, you are required to have a motorcycle endorcement to ride a motorcycle with a displacement of 50cc's or greater.
You need to wear a helmet if you don't know how to ride well if you are good or perfect then you don't need a helmet but yeah hope that helped you out.
That depends on your age and where you're at. Helmet laws differ from place to place. Some places require all people to wear a helmet, other require people under a certain age to wear a helmet, some don't require bicyclists of any age to wear a helmet at all.
A motorcycle helmut should fit snuggly but not tight, too tight and a headache will follow. Ride safe and semi-sane!
one would need a motorcycle license.
You do not need a motorcycle license to ride a 49cc and smaller bike in Utah. But I believe 50+cc, you do need a license. Double check with the dealership.
In some states that don't have specific mandatory laws in requiring people to wear motorcycle helmets regardless of their age, you have to be at least 18 years old to be able to ride motorcycle without wearing motorcycle helmets. But it is highly advisable that you wear one to avoid injuries from motorcycle accidents.