the word 'well' is incorrect in this context.
You could say it as: "He runs a race well" or He ran well in the race"
to say it exactly as you have, you can also say: "he runs a good race" to imply that when he does run any races, he always does well in them.
Incorrect: She sings bad. Correct: She sings badly. (badly is an adverb that modifies the verb sings) Incorrect: He runs a well race. Correct: He runs a race well. (well used as an adverb follows the object of the verb) Correct: He runs a good race. (good is an adjective describing the noun race) Correct: They won with a lucky shot. (lucky is an adjective describing the noun shot)
The correct punctuation for the sentence "Very well said, Jose. I will race you, and I will win." includes a comma after "said" to set off the person's name (Jose) and after "you" to separate the clauses "I will race you" and "I will win".
The sentence is almost correct. It could be improved by changing 'well' to 'well', to say: "If you have my number, you know who I am well."
It runs well
No, the sentence "I as well as he am well" is not grammatically correct in English. In this case, "am" should be changed to "is" to match the singular subject "he": "I as well as he is well."
No, the phrase "it is well" is not grammatically correct. It seems to be missing a verb or adjective to complete the sentence. You could say "It is well done" to make it grammatically correct.
Yes, that sentence is grammatically correct.
It certainly can be: Well phrased ideas are appealing.
'Tom hopes to do really well on this exam' is a correct sentence. Currently, the sentence is in the future and present tense. To change it to past, change 'hopes' to 'hoped'.
The clause / sentence has no meaning out of context. If it is a response, the somewhat archaic but correct construction is "I am fine, as I hope you are as well." You would not use the words "too" and "as well" in the same clause as that is redundant.
The first letter of a sentence must be capitalized as well as the name of a city. If you capitalize the starting 'k' and put a period after 'city', it is a correct sentence.