NO The driver must have a permit or a license to drive since he is the one operating a motor vehicle.
Yes, almost anyone can be insured on any vehicle, for a price.
There are far too many factors in calculating insurance premiums that it is impossible to give any type of premium estimate in a forum like this. Just some of the factors involved are: type of coverage desired, zip code of garaging address, use of the vehicle, driver age, driver motor vehicle report, year model of motorcycle, model of motorcycle, make of bike, type of bike (cruiser or crotch rocket), credit report of owner or driver, claim record, etc.
They can as long as they are listed on the insurance policy for each vehicle OR there is a permissive user clause on the insurance which allows any driver to operate the car and still be covered.
Yes, however it would be foolish of any person to uninsure a vehicle they own while they know it's being driven. Not only can the owner of the vehicle be issued a citation if a driver of their vehicle is caught without insurance, but if the driver causes an accident and their is no insurance on the vehicle, the owner of the car can be held responsible for the damages caused.
if you only get collision insurance (covers the repairs on the other party's vehicle) then it should be $100-$120 a month.
The year of the motor is the same as the year of the car unless the original motor was replaced at some point. If that's the case, you won't know the year of the motor.
There is no average cost for any age groups auto insurance. There are far too many factors that go into the calculation of auto insurance premiums to randomly come up with the numbers. In addition to the age of the driver, you have marital status, good student discounts, driver education discounts, make, model, year, of vehicle, discounts and surcharges for type of vehicle, coverage limits, multi-car discount, use of the vehicle, distance driven daily, physical damage deductibles, and many other factors that have to do with the price.
In most states, insurance is required anytime you are on the road operating a motor vehicle. Even if you drive for just one day a month, you still need insurance.
You cannot estimate premiums in a forum like this. There are far too many factors that go into rating insurance. Some of these are State, County, zip code, driver age, vehicle, use of vehicle, driver's record, coverage, and many more factors. One insurance company I represent has 44 classifications just for the driver. I recommend that you insure her on the family insurance policy. If the rate is not acceptable call independent insurance agents, find one you trust, and get them to figure rates for you. Independent Agents represent several insurance companies and can shop for the best rates and coverage for you.
the moor vehicle was made by Von Diesel and was invented 1922
You cannot estimate premiums in a forum like this. There are far too many factors that go into rating insurance. Some of these are State, County, zip code, driver age, vehicle, use of vehicle, driver's record, coverage, and many more. I want to make one recommendation as strongly as possible. Buy a cruiser. "Crotch Rockets" are many times more expensive for insurance than "Cruisers". I have written motorcycle insurance ranging from $30 per year to $4000 per year. I have a Kawasaki Vulcan Classic Cruiser and full coverage insurance is only $160 a year. Independent Agents represent several insurance companies and can shop for the best rates and coverage for you. I represent 4 insurance companies that specialize in motorcycle insurance so call an Independent Agent in your area.Read more: How_much_does_auto_insurance_cost_for_a_16-year-old_girl