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Q: My moms a terrible alcoholic I am 16 my step dad was killed in a car crash ever since then my moms been drinking hardcore then saying she's going to stop and never actually stopping?
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Related questions

Where can I find information about how to stop drinking on the Internet?

You could search for alcoholic anonymous classes. Or visit peer sites such as that is a more user based resource for stopping substance abuse.

Can stoping weed make you a Alcoholic?

No, stopping weed will not make you an alcoholic. However, when people have become accustomed to an abnormal mental state, it is not unusual for them to look for other drugs that will accomplish a similar effect. Since alcohol is highly addictive, there is a good chance of developing alcoholism if they turn to drinking.

What happens when a alcoholic quits drinking?

I am an alcoholic and I have experienced, when stopping drinking without librium, or without cutting down slowly, vomiting, loss of motor skills, inability to eat, extreme loss of short term memory, severe communication problems, severe diorehha, hallucinations and a fit. Amo0nst others.

Where can I get help stopping drinking?

You can get help stopping drinking from alcoholics anonymous and also some various other support groups on the internet that use discussion forums to talk about the problem.

Can penguins drink milk?

No ones stopping them from drinking anything

Are Severe withdrawal symptoms as a result of stopping drinking are a sign of addiction?

Um..... Yes!

How far can a human run without stopping or drinking eating?

Forest Gump knows the answer for that

What amendment was repealed?

The 18th amendment. It made drinking intoxicants illegal. After much failure in stopping people from drinking the government decided to end the law.

What does the term 'Somebody needs a white chip' mean?

It is probably a jesting play on the Alcoholic's Anonymous system of giving someone a white chip if they are just stopping drinking for their first day. It probably means that someone needs to calm down, or sober up, or otherwise make a noticeable change in their behavior.

How do you get one hit kills in modern warfare 2?

Sniper rifle shots (stopping power optional), all of the other guns (unless in hardcore) are not powerful enough.

How does relaxation techniques benefit a recovering alcoholic or drug addict?

They help to suppress cravings and withdrawel that come from stopping drinking/taking drugs. If you feel you need to drink/take you would use relaxation, sit and take deep breaths which would relax you and clear your mind so that you can think rationally about what you want to do.

What are good weapon classes in modern warfare 2?

Search and Destroy- Mini Uzi- Silencer- Marathon- Stopping Power- Ninja Demolition- Tar-21- Silencer- Scavenger- Stopping Power- Steady Aim ACR- Holographic- Scavenger- Stopping Power- Steady Aim Any other Core Gamemode- Scar-H- Silencer- Sleight of Hand- Stopping Power- Steady Aim Hardcore- ACR- Heartbeat Sensor- Scavenger- Hardline- Ninja