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In my opinion, women, alcohol and drugs.

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Q: What are three of the most common distractions for teens?
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What is the Most common alcohol related crime committed by teens?

Being drunk and disorderly

What is the most common drug used by adolescents?

The drug most teens get an overdose on is alcohol. Alcohol is the easiest and the least expensive drug to get. Teens could get a fake ID and get it.

What three words are the most common conjunctions?

The three most common conjunctions are "and," "but," and "or."

What is the most common favorite car amongst teens?

depends where you are... older teens may have a car they can afford... but the car they desire may be like a mini or mercedes.

What are some of the most common distractions to your studying?

Games dramas favourite tv music noises bad lighting cereal sleep or don't know how to do

What age does anorexia mostly affect?

It mostly affects the teens, girls more of boys. Teens are so eager to look skinny which is "pretty" instead of chubby which is "ugly." most teens do it because of depression, low self esteem, and there might even be more reasons but I find these to be more common in most teens.

Does peer pressure have a bigger affect on parents or teens?

Peer pressure can have an affect o both adults and teens but the most cOmmOn and most affected in the situation would have to be teens because of all thier hormones and thief trying to fit in and be cool and thief more conteolling.

When are teens most vulnerable to drugs?

Most teens become more vulnerable to drugs when they get into arguments with family member, arguments or break ups with their girlfriend and or boyfriends and when they attend teenage parties with other people who do drugs. there are many other times where they become vulnerable but these are the most common reasons for drug abuse in teens.

What are the three most common types of Vaginitis?

The three most common types of Vaginitis are Bacterial, Yeast, Protazoan(Caused By STD's)