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Q: What do monster truck drivers wear?
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How much do monster truck drivers cost to build a monster truck?

Around $200,000

Did anyone die driving a monster truck?

No one has died driving a monster truck, but some drivers have had broken bones.

How much do monster truck drivers get paid a night?


How do monster truck drivers get into their trucks?

in order to become a monster truck driver, you have to have prior experience in mechanics, and must be 18, with a clean driving record. From a professional Monster Truck Driver on the thunder nationals circuit

How do monster truck drivers use math?

They use math for like if they r turing around

What types of caps do truck drivers wear?

The types of caps that truck drivers wear slightly resembles a baseball cap. The section above the cap's bill is made of foam, whereas the back half of the hat is made of plastic mesh for breathability.

Is there any canaian monster truck drivers?

Yes, Cam McQueen is candian and drives the canadian based northern nightmare.

Does monster truck monster truck still drives?


Is thunder a monster truck name?

No it is not a monster truck name

What was the first monster truck to join monster jam?

monster trucks were invented in late 1970's by bob chandler and his monster truck Bigfoot were the first ones to use a monster truck

How do you exterminate a monster buck?

Are you sure? A "monster truck?" Man, there is no way to kill a monster truck in real life. Anyone can edit this answer if they think there is a way to actually kill a monster truck.

Do truck drivers like there truck clean?

They're supposed to, but there are a lot of nasty truck drivers out there - especially over-the-road drivers.