I would say the McLaren is better, because it has prooven it by wining the LeMans race several times in a row.
If you mean the Saleen s7, then the Saleen is faster than any current lamborghini production car. Faster to 60, Faster in the quarter mile, Faster top speed. The But it depends on which Saleen you are pitting against which Lamborghini...
no where near the saleen a7 puts out around 700 hp the veyron 1001hp
A bugatti definetly. But not by too much, the Saleen can still easily crack the 200mph barrier.
LAMBORGHINI is way better than the saleen s7!
the saleen s7 costs close to $555,000. expensive huh?
If you mean by speed , in my opinion:1. Bugatti Veyron 267.85 mph2. SSC Ultimate Aero 256.18 mph3. Koenigsegg CCX 250 mph4. Saleen S7 Twin Turbo 248 mph5. McLaren F1 240 Mph
its made by saleen
no, it is Saleen's own creation.
The Saleen S7 was jointly developed by Steve Saleen, Ray Mallock Ltd., and Phil Frank. Hidden Creek Industries also had a play in the development Of the Saleen S7.
The Saleen S7 is an American supercar, which can go over 240 mph. It has a twin-turbocharged V8 engine. The Saleen company was founded by Steve Saleen.
the max a Saleen s7 can go is 250 mph