You will be charged with driving while your license is suspended. Whether or not you're on probation doesn't effect this particular offense. If you were on probation, driving with a suspended license is probably a violation of your probation, and a whole different issue.
Yes it is. A condition of probation will require the probationer to obey all the laws. Driving a vehicle with a suspended license is an offense, and could subject the probationer to having his/her probation revoked or modified.
Nothing - Unless you are operating in violation of DMV restrictions (suspended or revoked) or are actively wanted on an open warrant) your probation status will be unknown to the officer.
and gets cited for driving with a suspended license.
You would likely be arrested.
The claim will be null and void at the first instance,if the eventuality happens with a suspended license.
It means that you were caught driving without a valid license. Your valid US-issued license is good in every US state, but when it is suspended it is suspended everywhere.
Depends on what one is 'on probation' for. If it was a DUI offense, a drivers license might be suspended for a specified period (depending on the state) and possibly up to 3 years . If the person is not on a DUI probation, and has met all the requirements of the probation order, one would think they can progress in life and get the license. Would possibly advise that you be asking your probation officer this question, too.
up to 364 days in jail and 2 years probation with a $2500 fine
You will. Be arrested